Sudahkah anda shalat?

Sudahkah Anda Sholat??? ^^ Kalau Belum Sholat Yuk. ^^
By Debby Sheilla Saputri

Semangat Debby

SELAMAT DATANG ingat selalu Tiga pepatah arab ajaib -> man jadda wa jadda; man shabara zhafira; mansara ala darbi washala

Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Indonesia dan Korupsi

KORUPSI: “Saya Hanya Segelintir Dari Mereka yang Belum Bisa Berbuat Banyak”
“Saya hanya segelintir dari rakyat Indonesia yang turut prihatin dengan keadaan korupsi di Indonesia. Tapi apa yang bisa saya lakukan?”
Saya bukanlah orang yang aktif dalam bidang politik maupun organisasi. Saya hanya si pencermat pasif yang akan menghela nafas panjang saat menyaksikan banyak kasus buruk yang menimpa Indonesia. Kasus yang sering saya lihat di televisi belakangan ini salah satunya ialah kasus korupsi. Korupsi di Indonesia sudah terjadi sejak puluhan tahun yang lalu. Namun belum banyak usaha efektif yang dilakukan untuk memberantas korupsi. Bahkan, dewasa ini korupsi di Indonesia kian hari keadaannya kian memprihatinkan saja.

“Korupsi sendiri berasal dari bahasa Latin: corruptio dari kata kerja corrumpere yang bermakna busuk, rusak, menggoyahkan, memutarbalik, menyogok atau rasuah adalah tindakan pejabat publik, baik politisi maupun pegawai negeri, serta pihak lain yang terlibat dalam tindakan itu yang secara tidak wajar dan tidak legal menyalahgunakan kepercayaan publik yang dikuasakan kepada mereka untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sepihak.” ("Korupsi," 2012).

Menjamurnya tindakan korupsi di Indonesia dapat dilihat dengan berseliwerannya tersangka korupsi di layar kaca televisi kita. Pelakunya pun beragam, misalnya pejabat daerah, anggota DPR, dan pejabat Kejaksaan Agung.

Korupsi adalah tindakan yang berkontribusi besar sebagai katalis kebobrokan bangsa. Keadaan korup yang kian parah ini merugikan rakyat dan tentunya Negara. Bayangkan, bila uang hasil korupsi yang jumlahnya miliaran rupiah dari seorang koruptor itu digunakan untuk membangun fasilitas umun Negara, misalnya saja digunakan untuk membangun sebuah sekolah gratis. Akan ada kesempatan bagi ratusan mungkin ribuan tangan kecil bersemangat untuk menggapai mimpinya membantu membangun bangsa. Mereka mungkin hanya berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu. Namun siapa yang menjamin mereka tidak punya cukup kemampuan untuk membangun bangsa? Itu baru uang dari satu orang koruptor. Hitunglah berapa banyak koruptor di Indonesia. Banyak bukan? Jika semua uang hasil korupsi para koruptor dikumpulkan dan digunakan untuk membangun Negara, bisa dikatakan, Indonesia dapat maju seribu langkah dari Indonesia yang sekarang.

Para tersangka korupsi hanya memikirkan tentang kemakmuran diri sendiri. Mereka hidup makmur di tengah kemelaratan bangsa. Hal ini merupakan suatu ironi. Mereka, para pejabat Negara yang seharusnya bekerja untuk membangun Negara, malah mengahncurkan bangsa. Dengan mudah mereka melegalkankan banyak cara agar dapat menggunakan uang Negara untuk memakmurkan diri sendiri.
Sebenarnya yang menjadi pertanyaan di benak saya adalah seberapa pedulikah rakyat Indonesia dengan masalah korupsi yang ada di Indonesia ini? Kalaupun mereka peduli, apa tindakan nyata mereka untuk memberantas korupsi ini? Apakah mereka sendiri sudah sanggup untuk menghindari tindakan korupsi? Tentu pertama kali saya lontarkan pertanyaan ini ke diri saya terlebih dahulu sebelum menanyakannya ke orang lain.

Pernah suatu ketika saya pindah ke suatu daerah. Pada saat itu, saya yang masih bersekolah tentu juga harus pindah ke sekolah di daerah itu. Uang pungutan atau biasa disebut “uang pembangunan” merupakan hal yang biasa saya temui. Orang tua saya yang sudah acap kali mengurusi kepindahan sekolah anak-anaknya tidak banyak meributkan soal uang pembangunan ini. Namun mereka sedikit berkomentar karena mereka tahu kalau di daerah ini sekolah gratis sudah diterapkan. Oleh karena itu tidak ada lagi yang namanya uang pembangunan yang dibebankan pada siswa.

Beberapa hari setelah kepindahan saya ke sekolah tersebut, sang guru memanggil saya ke ruangannya. Yang sedikit lucu ialah beliau tidak datang langsung ke kelas saya untuk memanggil saya dia menggunakan pengeras suara yang bisa di dengar seluruh sekolah ketika memanggil saya. Sontak teman-teman pun kaget dan heran mengapa saya dipanggil. Bergegas saya menuju ke ruangan beliau dan menanyakan perihal mengapa saya dipanggil ke ruangannya. Beliaupun menjelaskan dengan baik kepada saya, kalau saya harus mengerti dengan hal yang akan dia sampaikan. Singkatnya saya harus mengatakan tidak dikenai pungutan apapun ketika masuk sekolah ini jika ada petugas dinas pendidikan yang datang langsung ke rumah saya menanyakan hal tersebut. Sayapun mengiyakan. Lucunya sampai saat ini tidak pernah ada petugas pendidikan yang datang menanyakan hal tersebut ke rumah saya.

Cerita di atas, saya sampaikan dengan tidak mengurangi rasa hormat saya kepada guru saya. Juga tidak bermaksud untuk menjelekkan nama sekolah. Cerita di atas merupakan contoh kecil praktik korupsi di bidang pendidikan yang pastinya banyak terjadi di pelosok Indonesia. Mungkin tidak banyak orang yang dirugikan secara materiil tetapi keberanian kita untuk menolak korupsi akan terus tergerus seiiring banyaknya praktik korupsi kecil-kecilan seperti ini. Dari cerita di atas dapat dilihat, baik saya, maupun guru saya, bahkan petugas dari dinas pendidikan tak kuasa untuk membantu menanggulangi korupsi. Guru saya yang tidak bisa menolak kebiasaan bahwa murid baru harus membayar uang pembangunan, saya yang tidak bisa berkata tidak untuk permintaan guru saya yang mengharuskan saya berkata tidak jujur, maupun petugas yang tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya untuk memeriksa data murid pindahan, semuanya merupakan wujud ketidakmampuan untuk mengikis korupsi.

Banyak orang yang membenci tindakan korupsi, tetapi di sisi lain mereka juga melakukannya. Banyak orang yang membenci korupsi, menginginkan Indonesia bebas dari korupsi, tapi belum berbuat apa-apa. Ketakutan pada “cara” yang sudah terbentuk selama ini, mungkin merupakan salah satu alasan mengapa kita belum sanggup mengalahkan korupsi. Dapat dikatakan “barang” yang disebut korupsi ini hadir karena ala bisa karena biasa. Hati-hati, lama kelamaan hal ini bisa jadi kebiasaan yang kembali lagi akan menghancurkan bangsa.

Bagaimana cara untuk mewujudkan Indonesia bebas korupsi? Jika meninjau dari contoh kecil di atas, untuk mewujudkan Indonesia bebas korupsi sebaiknya kita mulai dari diri sendiri dulu. Biasakan untuk berkata jujur, berbuat jujur, dan menghindarkan diri dari praktik korupsi sekecil apapun. Selain itu memperkuat agama merupakan salah satu cara yang baik untuk menghindarkan diri dari korupsi. Apabila diri kita sudah dibentengi dengan agama yang kuat, maka kita dapat membedakan mana hal yang baik dan mana hal yang buruk juga dapat membedakan mana perbuatan yang berdosa dan mana yang tidak.
Sebenarnya masih banyak cara lain untuk membantu memberantas korupsi, seperti mengadakan penyuluhan anti korupsi, kantin kejujuran yang sudah diterapkan di beberapa sekolah, menyampaikan tentang buruknya korupsi melalui dakwah, serta melalui tulisan. Tulisan adalah salah satu media yang saya coba untuk membantu mengikis korupsi. Hal-hal tersebut merupakan wujud nyata yang bersifat persuasif untuk membantu memberantas korupsi.

Namun untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang benar-benar bebas korupsi melakukan beberapa hal di atas sebenarnya tidak cukup. Untuk benar-benar mewujudkan Indonesia bebas korupsi kita harus mengubah cara pandang orang tentang korupsi. Membuat mereka tahu kalau korupsi akan mendatangkan dampak yang buruk terutama bagi mereka. Kebanyakan manusia pada dasarnya tidak akan melakukan hal yang bisa mencelakai dirinya sendiri. Kebanyakan manusia tidak akan meminum racun bukan? Maka ubahlah korupsi layaknya racun bagi mereka.
Bagaimana dengan hukuman mati untuk para koruptor? Mungkin belakangan hal ini masih diperdebatkan karena ada beberapa orang yang berpendapat hukuman ini melanggar hak asasi manusia untuk hidup. Namun banyak juga yang setuju.

“China menjatuhkan hukuman mati memberlakukan hukuman mati bagi para koruptor dengan melakukan kebijakan pemutihan sebelumnya. Dengan kata lain, semua pejabat China yang pernah melakukan korupsi sebelum tahun 1998 dianggap bersih dari korupsi. Tetapi pejabat yang melakukan korupsi setelah masa pemutihan akan dikenakan hukuman mati. Cara tersebut efektif untuk China. Kini, China termasuk Negara yang bersih dari Korupsi.”("Hukuman Mati Bagi Pelaku Korupsi?," 2012).
Sedangkan menurut pertauran hukum di Indonesia, hukuman mati dapat ditinjau dari Pasal 2 Ayat 2 UU Tipikor.

“Adapun Pasal 2 Ayat 2 UU Tipikor tersebut berbunyi, “Dalam hal tindak pidana korupsi sebagaimana dalam ayat (1) dilakukan dalam keadaan tertentu, pidana mati dapat dijatuhkan”.Pada penjelasan ayat itu disebutkan, yang dimaksud dengan “keadaan tertentu” dalam ketentuan tersebut adalah keadaan yang dapat dijadikan alasan pemberatan pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi, yaitu apabila tindak pidana itu dilakukan terhadap dana-dana yang diperuntukkan bagi penanggulangan keadaan bahaya, bencana alam nasional, penanggulangan krisis ekonomi dan moneter, dan pengulangan tindak pidana korupsi.”("Tepat Hukuman Mati Untuk Terpidana Korupsi," 2012).

Pada dasarnya, agama terutama agama yang saya anut, agama Islam juga membolehkan hukuman mati, selama hukuman tersebut setimpal dengan kejahatan yang dilakukan. Pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa pemberlakuan hukuman mati melanggar hak manusia untuk hidup mungkin lupa kalau tindak korupsi juga merupakan pelanggaran HAM. Berapa banyak orang di Indonesia yang terbelenggu kemiskinan, kelaparan, dan kebodohan akibat dampak penyaluran dana yang tidak tepat? Dana yang seharusnya mereka dapat dari negara malah digunakan para koruptor untuk kesenangan pribadi.

Jika berandai-andai hukuman mati untuk para koruptor ini bisa dengan tegas dan tepat diterapkan di Indonesia, menurut saya besar kemungkinan untuk mewujudkan Indonesia bebas korupsi. Hukuman tersebut dapat menjadi racun yang tepat untuk dilekatkan pada tindak pidana korupsi. Kembali lagi pada sikap dasar manusia yang tidak akan mengambil tindakan yang mencelakai dirinya sendiri, tentu mereka tidak mau mengambil resiko mendapatkan hukuman mati dan memilih untuk tidak berkorupsi.
Ini adalah catatan kecil mahasiswa biasa mengenai korupsi dan pandangannya tentang bagaiamana cara terbaik untuk mewujudkan Indonesia bebas korupsi. Menulis adalah salah satu cara yang bisa saya lakukan saat ini. Namun saya hanya segelintir dari mereka yang berusaha jujur mengatakan saya belum bisa berbuat banyak untuk memberantas korupsi.


Hukuman Mati Bagi Pelaku Korupsi? [Electronic. (2012). Version], from
Korupsi [Electronic. (2012). Version], from
Tepat Hukuman Mati Untuk Terpidana Korupsi [Electronic. (2012). Version], from

Looking for an example of Autobiography! Check this one! ;)

The First Year Notes
Morning in July 2010
It was the first year when I started to study in Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinagor.  The alarm’s sound of my phone woke me up. I saw the screen of my phone. It was 05.00 o’clock. I sat in my bed, sighed, and realized that now I was alone in the room. My father and my mother had gone back to Palembang last night.
I didn’t know what to do this morning. I felt bored. I turned my laptop on then I turned my internet connection on. I wrote “” in first tab, when I opened Mozilla Firefox. I saw my facebook homepage. I opened profiles of my friends. I wanted to know their recent news especially where they studied now. 
Actually, when I was in Senior High School there were a lot of my friends that were quite ambitious to pass SNMPTN and study in the department that they wanted. I wanted to know how much the effect of their ambitions in achieving their goals.  Not only my friends, actually I was also quiet ambitious when I was in the third grade of Senior High School. I just wanted to know their conditions now. Perhaps, I would read good news from them. 
My attention was distracted when I saw there was a chat box appeared in the corner of the screen. I saw a name, it was my friend. I knew her when I took a course in Ganesha Operation Palembang. She was one of ambitious girls that I knew. She started to text me.
‘Hi, how are you?’
‘I’m Fine, how about you? I read on your facebook profile, that you are accepted in Depkes. Congratulation! J
‘Yes Debby, thank you, I am very happy. By the way, I know that you are in UNPAD now. What major do you take?’
I didn’t know what she meant by asking such question. I just felt bad with that question. I didn’t know whether it was a question about what my major was or about another thing.
‘I study in Faculty of Letters in English Department’
‘Oh, hmm why do you take it? What can you be if you graduate from English Department?’
I felt bored with this question.
‘I can be anything, I can be a journalist, I can be a teacher, a translator, work in a bank, work in foreign minister, anything.’
“What does she mean by asking such question? What does she think when she asks that question? Does she feel that she is in the higher position than me now? Does she feel that she is better? Come on you are only accepted in D3 Depkes. You are not in a faculty of Medicine. Even, if you are accepted in Faculty of Medicine, you cannot say that people who are accepted in a faculty such Faculty of Letters doesn’t have a better future.” I was grumbling
I closed the chat box. I didn’t in a good mood anymore to chat.
I sighed. I, honestly, also doubt with my decision. I asked to myself.
“Why don’t you take your scholarship in Telkom? You know that you want to be an accountant.”
 “I know, but please stop to regret everything!” I told myself.
I had read many articles connected with professions for fresh graduate of English literature students before I chose to study in English Department. My parents had also given many advices to me. They said that studying in state university was better than studying in private university. They also insisted that for a woman, becoming a teacher was better than worked in a bank. I would have much free time to handle my family. Hearing those advices, finally I chose to take this English Literature program and to leave the accountancy program.

Rain in the Night of December 2010
I had passed six months to study in UNPAD, Jatinangor. It was not a long time, but I had already missed my home, my family. Now, the month was December. It meant that I would meet January soon. In January I would have a long holiday, it was about a month. Honestly, I couldn’t wait for it anymore.
However, it was still December. Today was the first Sunday on December. I would have free days for a week then I would have my final exam. Those free days actually made to give chances for students to study before they faced the final exam. However, most of students didn’t use it to study. They used it to do other activities, such as hanging out with friends and going home. At least, it happened on me. Even, I felt too lazy to glance at pile of books on the table. I preferred to watch some movies than to study.
The day was already dark at that day. Rain fell down. I felt cold. The weather in Jatinangor changed too fast. It could be very hot in the daytime but it could be cold in the night. The weather could be very cold in the rainy day. Like this night, Jatinangor was very cold.  I used to plan to watch Secret Garden at that night. It was a new Korean drama. I was curious about this movie because a lot of my friends said that it was a good Korean drama. Basically, it was a story about a poor girl that was loved by a rich man. The theme of the story was very usual, but many of my friends said that it was one of a touching Korean dramas. Thus, I thought that I should watch it.
However, I decided not to watch it at that night. This rainy night made me lazy to leave my bed, my blanket. I felt comfortable staying at my bed and did nothing. I closed my eyes but I didn’t want to sleep. It was still 08.00 0’clock. It was too early to take a sleep.
When I closed my eyes, I remembered an assignment from my lecturer. I thought it was very difficult because I didn’t know what I should observe from a three-page-text to make a seven-page-essay. Besides I didn’t know how to make a good essay, I also felt confuse to find the problem in that short story.
I chose to make an essay from Bernard Malamud’s short story, My Son the Murderer. Actually, I didn’t know what wrong with this short story was. I only knew that this story was about a young man, named Harry. He became very quiet and didn’t socialize anymore since he graduated from college the previous summer. His father, that worried him, was constantly watching on him. However Harry felt disturbed with this action. I only could understand those things but I couldn’t find the proper problem of this short story that I could put in my essay.
Certainly, I also consulted my essay with my lecturer. At the first consultation, I had brought him a five-page-essay. Unfortunately, it was totally wrong and I had to write from the beginning. Then, I applied opinions given by my lecturer in my essay. However in the second consultation he said that he couldn’t give a good score for this kind of essay. I was quite shocked with what he said and decided that it was my last consultation for this essay.
Actually, it was too fast to give up but I realized with my ability to criticize a text now, I couldn’t understand what my lecturer really wanted for this essay. Honestly, for my first semester, this subject and also the lecturer had already informed me that being a student in English Literature program was not as easy as people thought. We studied not only English but other lessons that didn’t have any formula like mathematics. It sometimes could be more difficult from studying mathematics.
Suddenly, I felt that the light was off. Although I closed my eyes, I still could feel that my room turned dark. I opened my eyes. My room was very dark. I heard that the rain outside my room was getting heavier. The situation made me felt sleepy. I closed my eyes again and now I wanted to sleep. I hoped could pass this December and soon met January.

January 2011, This Was the Holiday
This morning was such one of my great mornings. I woke up in my bed room and saw my little sister beside me. I breathe the air, felt my soft blanket. This was my room, my home. I always liked morning in my home especially the smell of kitchen in the morning. It was because I always could find food in the morning in my home.
I just arrived in Palembang last night. It was my first holiday when I studied in UNPAD, Jatinangor. Living in Jatinangor, actually, was not too bad but going home was really a blast for me. I liked waking up in the morning in my home, in my bedroom. I also missed my sister’s babble in the morning.
My little sister always got up earlier than anybody else. She was very on time. She had got ready to go to school at 06.15 o’clock. Although we all knew that her school as not far as she said, she still wanted to go to school at 06.15 o’clock. I always thought that coming earlier was such an honor for her. She wanted to come earlier than anybody else. I never knew why she liked to go to school early. I, myself, was often late to go to school. I sometimes felt disturbed because she was too fussy about this.
Actually I also had two brothers and one of them was in the same school with my little sister. He was the opposite of my sister. He was often almost late to go to school. They went to school with my father. Sometimes, my father felt stress with their contrast.
In the first year when they went to school together, my brother was always scolded by my sister because he was always late. Fortunately, now he was not. My father and my mother had allowed him to go to school by motorcycle. It was because the school was near from our house and my brother promised not to come home late if he rode motorcycle to go to school.
Home was always a bit quite after their going. It was only my mother and I that stayed in the home. As usual, we did the house works in the morning. We didn’t have any maid because my mother said that it was too hard to find a trusted one. My mother washed clothes and I swept the floor. We helped each other. My brothers and my sister, actually, also helped my mother to do house works. Although, they were still young, they understood with this condition
Finishing all of those works we could take a rest for a while before cooked for lunch. We watched television and talked to each other while we were taking a rest.
Those activities became my routines for a month. Actually, I didn’t often go out. I only went if my friends invited me to go. I liked to go to karaoke place with them. It was my favorite place to spend my free times. Although, I didn’t have a nice voice, I still liked karaoke. It could refresh my mind. I thought I could pull out my negative energy when I sang. I went out not only with my friends but also with my family. On weekend, we went out together. Actually, we didn’t go to a far place. We only went to shop or to eat. However, it was still fun and I liked it very much.
These activities were called holiday for me. Spending a lot of my time with family and going to karaoke place were simple activities but it was very fun. Actually, I also wanted to go tourism places, such as Bangka and Belitung but we hadn’t had a chance. Actually I didn’t feel disappointed because of that. Home was always a nice place for going holiday.

February 2011: Rika and Aci
Jatinangor seemed to be more quite than the last time I was there before the holiday.  Maybe, there were still a few college students that came back. There were three more days before we had to start activities in college. Truly, I felt rather sad leaving Palembang. Thus, I decided to go to my friend’s boarding house.
 “Assalammualaikum, Rika!” I knocked the door. “Rika!” I shouted again.
“Yes Bon, wait a minute,” she answered.
“Hey come on in,” she smiled as usual, a bright smile.
She was a chubby girl with a very bright smile. She had curly hair. She always wore a ponytail hairstyle even in her room. Although she always wore that style, she never looked boring because she was very funny. You would be filled up with happiness when you were near her. You would laugh more often when you talked with her. She had a very good sense of humor.
Rika was one of my best friends. Same with me, she also came from Palembang. However not like me, she spoke Palembang language fluently because she grew up in Palembang. I liked to ask her to teach me some Palembang words. However, she liked to laugh when I spoke Palembang language.
“It’s not wrong, if I doubt you when you first said that you came from Palembang,” she laughed.
“Yeah, you know I only spent three years for my childhood time and one year for going school in Palembang, I never really grew up there.” I tried to give a reasonable reason.
“You are right, but remember, it’s not free, you need to pay me for teaching you Palembang language,” she laughed again.
“Oh, please!” I laughed.
Actually, I loved to visit Rika’s boarding house in free day. We did nothing important. We only spent the day with talking about many trivia things. We could spend too much time when we went lunch. One time, we went lunch at 02.00 o’clock and went back at 04.00 o’clock. However, I never felt bored.
We also liked to watch infotainment program then we gossiped about the celebrities. Infotainment was one of our favorite programs to be watched when we gathered. We loved to watch not only infotainment but also situation comedy (sitcom). Sitcom was very refreshing for us. Our most favorite sitcom was SKETSA. It was often very funny, although sometimes it was not. We were going to laugh the stupid things that actors did.
Actually, I was not the only one who often visited Rika’s boarding house. I had one more friend. She was Aci. Aci came from the same faculty with us. Although we came from the same faculty, we stayed in different classes. We first met in the first day of OSPEK. Now, we became friends.
“Aci also wants to come this afternoon, doesn’t she?” I asked.
“Yes. It’s been a long time since we gathered and gossiped together.”
“Yes, this long holiday has separated us.” I laughed.
“Rika!” someone shouted outside the door.
“Come on in,” Rika and I answered.
“Debon, long time no see. How’s your holiday? Is it good’’ Aci asked.
“Yes of course, I really enjoyed my time with my family. How about you? Where did you go on Holiday? Did you go to Yogyakarta?”
“Yes, I met my grandma there and I was very happy when I stayed there.”
“You have any souvenir for us, don’t you?” Rika asked.
“Yes, off course, I bring it for you guys.”
“Wow, thank you,” we took key chains from Aci’s hand.
I liked the shape of the key chains. It was like a miniature of shadow puppet.
 “By the way, what do you want to eat for this lunch Bon?” Rika asked.
“Anything.” I answered. “How about you, Aci?”
“Ngeumong can be a good choice,” she smiled.
That day, as usual, we spent the day with going lunch, gossiping, and watching television. Those small things were really great for us. They were very refreshing. I really loved meeting my great friends.

Old Message in May 2011
My phone was ringing, I answered the phone.
‘Yes Mom’
‘What are you really doing now? I have phoned you for two times, but there were no answers. Are you busy now?’
‘Oh, I am sorry Mom, I don’t know, because the phone was set in the silent mode. By the way Mom, I have to do something now. Is it okay if I phone you at 03.00 o’clock?’
‘Oh okay. Hmm…could you search the list of asmaul husna and send it via facebook message to your sister?’
‘Oh I will do it after I finish this one.’
‘Thank you Yuk, and don’t forget to eat your food. Assalammualaikum.”
‘Of course Mom, Waalaikummusalam.’ I hung up the phone.
This was the last day of May. I would face the final examination in June. I would end my second semester soon. Now I had some assignments to do before I faced the examination. Truly, those assignments made me rather stressful. I thought doing mathematics assignment was more enjoyable than doing this assignment.
“Should I try to take another SNMPTN test?” I mumbled
Actually, I had consulted about this idea to my parents but they suggested me to rethink about this idea. They said that my GPA in the first semester was already good enough. Besides that I had to study if I really wanted to take a SNMPTN test. However, I didn’t have enough time to really study. Those reasons became one of my considerations to stay in this department.
I saw the clock. It had been three hours since I started to do this essay. I felt tired.
“I should close this Google translate tab and this Microsoft word office.” I talked to myself.
I checked my facebook accounts. I remembered that my sister asked me to send asmaul husna list via facebook message. After I did it, I felt curious to reread the old messages. I was stupefied when I saw a message. A year had passed since I first read this message but I never replied it.
It was from him. He wasn’t my unforgettable first love but he was a man that could make me felt angry and afraid of losing him in the same time. I smiled when I reread his message. Actually he sent two messages. One of them was the lyric of Afgan’s song, Bukan Cinta Biasa. It’s actually sweet but rather funny.
“He couldn’t sing so he only sent me the lyric.” I mumbled.
Actually, we even hadn’t started any love story but we had spent some sweet moments together. He first said that he loved me when we had just graduated from Senior High School but I never answered it. I didn’t want to refuse him but I couldn’t be in a relationship with him. The reason was simple. I just didn’t want to get in a long distance relationship.
He was never angry to me, even he supported my decision. “Be careful there, don’t forget to pray, and don’t forget to achieve your dreams. I will always pray for youJ”. I read his words in the end of the message. He was right. I had to achieve my dreams and finish my study. I realized that I used to decide to study here and my parents were really happy when they knew about my decision.
“I would disappoint my family and my parents if I didn’t finish my study in UNPAD,” tears fell down my cheeks.
I closed my facebook account and stopped crying. I saw the clock. It was two o’clock. I remembered that I should eat my lunch.
“I hope that I can pass the second semester better and Jatinangor would be always nice to me for the next three years.”  I said it while eating.