Sudahkah anda shalat?

Sudahkah Anda Sholat??? ^^ Kalau Belum Sholat Yuk. ^^
By Debby Sheilla Saputri

Semangat Debby

SELAMAT DATANG ingat selalu Tiga pepatah arab ajaib -> man jadda wa jadda; man shabara zhafira; mansara ala darbi washala

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Terjemahan Molly Part 2

Molly bertanya-tanya kemana tuannya pergi. Setelah lama menunggu ia menggaruk-garuk pintu dapur dengan cakarnya berharap dibukakan pintu. Tetapi tampaknya tidak ada orang di dalam rumah. Molly lalu memeriksa kalau-kalau ada jendela yang terbuka sehingga ia bisa masuk, tapi ternyata semua jendela terkunci rapat.

Molly merasa kesepian. Tetapi ia berharap tuannya akan pulang nanti sore.

Tetapi setelah lama menunggu tuannya tidak juga pulang. Molly mulai merasa kelaparan. Ia juga kedinginan karena harus tidur di luar. Walaupun bersembunyi di dalam semak-semak, ia tetap basah karena kehujanan. Molly mulai sakit.

Dua hari telah berlalu. Karena kelaparan Molly memakan tulang kering yang ditemukannya dan juga daun-daun kering yang ada di sekitar rumah. Penyakitnya juga semakin parah. Ia bersin-bersin dan lemas.

Pada hari keempat Molly sudah menjadi sangat kurus. Ia bahkan hampir tidak bisa berjalan karena sangat lemah. Ia lalu teringat kepada Billy, anak yang tinggal di rumah sebelah. Siapa tahu Billy bisa memberinya makanan.

Ia lalu berjalan pelan menuju rumah Billy. Saat melihat Molly, Billy hampir tidak mengenalinya lagi. “Astaga!, kaukah itu Molly?” seru Billy terkejut. Ia berlutut dan membelai Molly. “Oh kasihan, kau sangat kurus, pasti kau kelaparan. Apakah tidak ada orang yang diberi tugas untuk memberimu makan?”

Billy segera mengambilkan ikan dan susu untuk Molly. “Oh kasihan, “ kata Ibu Billy. Untuk sementara biar saja ia tidur di dapur kita.”

Molly sangat senang. Setelah makan dengan lahap, ia lalu tidur dengan nyenyak di dapur ibu Billy. Billy bahkan memberinya tempat tidur dari kotak kayu. Billy juga membersihkan badannya yang kotor karena beberapa hari tidur di semak-semak. Malamnya, Molly benar-benar terkejut. Ternyata di dapur ibu Billy banyak sekali tikusnya. Maka ia pun menangkap tikus-tikus itu, karena ia ingin membalas kebaikan Billy dan ibunya. Keesokan harinya ibu Billy terkejut karena melihat banyak sekali yang telah ditangkap oleh Molly. Ibu Billy sangat senang. Molly pun menjadi semakin disayang di keluarga itu. Sebulan kemudian, keluarga Jones pulang dari berlibur. Dengan berat hati Billy mengantar Molly pulang ke rumah keluarga Jones. Tapi, setiap diantar pulang, Molly selalu melarikan diri dan kembali ke rumah Billy. Molly tahu bahwa Billy dan ibunya sangat menyayanginya, tidak seperti keluarga Jones yang tega menelantarkannya. Karena keluarga Jones tidak terlalu memperdulikan Molly akhirnya mereka pun memberikan kucing itu kepada Billy. Akhirnya, Molly pun tinggal bersama Billy dan ibunya. Ia sangat bahagia karena selalu disayang dan dibelai. Ibu Billy pun senang karena dapurnya menjadi bebas dari gangguan tikus.

Molly wondered where the Jones went. After waiting for a long time, Molly pawed the kitchen door, hoped someone would open the door for her.  However, it seemed none of the Jones was in the home. Then, Molly looked around, perhaps, there would be the windows that were opened; so, she could get into the house but unfortunately all of the windows were locked.

Molly felt lonely. However, she hoped her owner would return to the home in the afternoon.
However, after waiting for a long time, the Jones hadn’t gone home. Molly started feeling hungry. She also felt cold because she had to sleep in the outside of the house. Although she hid in the bushes, she was still wet because of the rain. Molly started feel sick.
Two days had passed. She ate the bones that were found and the dried leaves around the house. Her sickness also became more serious. She sneezed and felt weak.
On the fourth day, Molly already became very bony. Even, she almost couldn’t walk because she was very weak.  Then, she remembered Billy, the boy that lived beside the Jones’ house. She hoped Billy could give her some food.
Then, she walked slowly to Billy’s house. When Billy looked Molly, he almost didn’t recognize her. “Oh God, are you Molly?” said Billy shocked. He knelt and rubbed Molly. “Oh, what a pity, you look very thin, you must be very hungry. Aren’t there any people who are asked to feed you?”
Billy, immediately, took some fish and milk for Molly. “What a pity,” said Billy’s Mom. “Let her sleep in our kitchen for a moment.”
Molly was very glad. After eating greedily, she slept soundly in the kitchen. Even, Billy gave her a wooden box for her bed. Billy also cleaned Molly’s body that was dirty because of sleeping in the bushes for the last few days. At night, Molly was very surprised. Evidently, there were a lot of mice in the Billy’s mom’s kitchen. Therefore, she caught the mice because she wanted to say thank to Billy and her mom for their kindness. In the next day, Billy’s mom was surprised seeing there were a lot of mice that were caught by Molly. Billy’s mom was very glad. Molly was loved more than before. A month later, the Jones returned from vacation. With a heavy heart, Billy took Molly to the Jones’ home. However, every Billy returned Molly to the Jones house, Molly always run away and went to the Billy’s house. Molly knew that Billy and his mom loved Molly very much, not like the Jones, they always ignored Molly. The Jones gave Molly to Billy because they didn’t very care with her. Finally, Molly lived with Billy and his mom. She feel very pleased because Billy and her mom always loved her and they always rubbed her. Billy’s mom was also delighted because there were no more mice in her kitchen.

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